You may have noticed on the main page of our website or on my business card we have a hashtag that we used to use a lot.
We developed this idea and term as a way to motivate people not just to work out inside a gym but to get out to nature and move around in our most natural environment. With winter here and rain keeping us cooped Up inside, we forget how refreshing and healing taking a walk in the woods, neighbourhood or along the waterfront can be. Even with the rain we shouldn’t make excuses, even more so if we have a furry family friend that needs some walking and activity too.
Every week I talk about recovery and work to put in outside of our regular gym sessions and that can be as simple as walking around your neighborhood. Or you can ramp it up with a run, or even a hike! I know after I have a tougher session in the gym I will try to get Bruno (you all know Bruno) out for a good 45-60min walk. Not only does he get some exercise, but I get more blood moving through my recently worked muscles and recover much faster for my sessions over the next few days.
We love hiking and it has huge benefits to help you recover, strengthen your joints and help build those aerobic engines with some lower level aerobic capacity. We have so many beautiful hiking spots right here in Victoria at our finger tips so no excuses to get out and fill those lungs with some fresh air.
So next time you know you need to get out of the house and do something and the gym just doesn’t sound appealing. Get outside go beyond four walls and move around outside at whatever intensity suits you on the day.
See you in the gym and on the mountain….